Quercetin.....What is it?

Hi there, wow, I haven't blogged in a long time!! But I just spent the last year in a school, the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and learned Sooooo Much!! And just want to pass on some of the things that I have learned from school and life.
Just recently I had some sniffles and called my daughter Hannah and asked her if she had any recommendations for a natural supplement that would help dry up the dripping in my nose and the back of my throat. She suggested I get this supplement called "Quercetin". I honestly had never heard of it. But went to Whole Foods and bought a bottle. Kinda pricey there, but turned out to be worth the cost!!
Quercetin is a flavonoid (plant pigment) which is found in fruits and vegetables. It contains strong antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free radicals for us, which are chemically reactive compounds that damage our DNA and cell membranes. Our body has to have antioxidants to survive. Many of the benefits of antioxidants can be found in Quercetin.

1. It supports Normal Respiratory Health
Quercetin is considered a natural anti histamine. I have found that it has the same effect as OTC sudafed without the side effects of feeling like you are on speed, or taking an appetite suppressant. It has been tested and determined that it can have a bronchial dilating effect . It causes a relaxation of the airways muscle which helps people suffering from upper respiratory conditions. If you suffer from seasonal allergies it stabilizes mast cells that release histamine , the main mediator of reactions to pollen and other allergies.
2. Supports Cardiovascular Health
Studies have shown that taking in flavonoids, specifically, Quercetin offers double benefits. Promoting overall cardiovascular health and encouraging blood flow. It
also protects against LDL oxidation. This is probably very beneficial because oxidation causes cholesterol to stick to artery walls.

3. Promotes Balanced Blood Pressure
Double blind, Placebo controlled studies evaluated the effects of Quercetin and came back with the news that the participants experienced a stabilization in systolic, diastolic and average arterial pressure.
4. Quercetin is an Anti Inflammatory
It possesses anti inflammatory properties that can help combat chronic disease.
5. Last but not Least....Helps Protect against Stress

As some of you know, when you are stressed, the body produces cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that produces the fight or flight response. But cortisol can damage muscle tissue, which leads to protein breakdown in the body and weight gain. Quercetin can fight the effects during times of extreme stress. It surpresses the enzyme necessary for cortisol release!
Health Benefits of Quercetin
Quercetin has been linked to the following health benefits:
Potentially lowering risk of atherosclerosis and lung cancer, especially among smokers |
Assisting in preventing death from heart disease |
Helping reduce blood pressure levels |
Aiding with addressing symptoms of interstitial cystitis |
Helping decrease prostatitis symptoms |
Helping prevent cancer cell growth from breast, colon, prostate, endometrial and lung cancers |
Possessing anti-inflammatory properties that can help combat chronic diseases |
Personally, I LOVE Quercetin! And from the article and chart you can see why. I have incorporated it into my daily supplement routine. I take it as a preventative. Some days I take 2, as recommended, some days I take more if I feel I need it. So if you have some cold like symptoms coming on or already in the middle of a upper respiratory problem, check it out.
Google it, read about it. Here is the brand I get from Amazon, the price is actually pretty reasonable.
Until next time, xoxo
