This One thing is Aging your Skin!!
The sun is out in North Carolina, and although it isn’t officially summer, it sure feels like it! Things seem to just be more alive and beautiful in the summer.
If you have been around here for a while, you know that I am fascinated by the aging process. Essentially, I believe that it doesn’t have to be a negative experience. Often I will do research into fitness, nutrition or mindset that helps me understand how to make aging a more positive experience.
And lately…I have found some new research about DNA and aging that is a bit of a DOOZY! Of course, this impacts how your skin looks, but it goes so much deeper!
Let me share what I recently discovered…
Deep within the heart of our cells are telomeres, repeating segments of non coding DNA that live at the end of our chromosomes. They form caps at the ends of the chromosomes like caps on a shoestring and keep the genetic material from unraveling.
Telomeres shorten with each cell division, they determine how fast a cell ages.
Short telomeres are the major reason human cells grow old.
Get this..telomeres are listening to you.
The foods you eat…
Your response to challenges…
How much exercise you get…
There are so many factors that appear to influence your telomeres and can prevent premature aging at a cellular level. One of the keys for enjoying good health is simply doing your part to foster healthy cell renewal!
Scientists believe that the length of telomeres is also dependent upon your thoughts.
Yes–you read that correctly!
Scientists have learned that several thought patterns appear to be unhealthy for telomeres.
One of the worst offenders is an attitude of pessimism.
In the clinical trials, the research team conducted a study of pessimism and shorter telomeres. The tests showed that pessimism is a risk factor for poor health! When a pessimist develops aging related illnesses, like cancer or heart disease, the illness tends to progress faster!
Also, they determined that people who frequently ruminate over negative events have shorter telomeres. Rethinking a story over and over again. (I have been so guilty of this in my life!!) Something can happen once, but if we ruminate, we keep it alive in our mind.
When we ruminate, stress stays in our bodies long after the situation is over. Consistent rumination leads to prolonged high blood pressure, elevated heart rate, higher levels of cortisol, depression and anxiety and shorter telomeres.
Being conscious and aware of our thoughts can promote stress resilience. With time you learn to encounter ruminations and say, “that was just a thought. No more than a thought.
Science has proven that the reason our cells die off and don’t replicate is because of shortened telomeres, and that is also what makes us age.
What we Think and Feel influences our telomeres.
So my conclusion is if you don’t want to age at a rapid rate, slow down and take a look at your thought patterns, lifestyle choices, exercise routine. Are you shortening your telomeres, or doing your part to keep them healthy?
Change your thinking to support healthy telomeres, which in turn supports healthy beautiful skin.