Detox your liver for the New Year
While I was at my daughter Hannah's house for Christmas, I noticed that she was taking an herb called Milk Thistle. I personally was not taking this herb, so I was very intrested in finding out it's benifits and properties. After researching Milk Thistle I came to the conclusion that this herb should be part of my daily regiment. I always encourage everyone to read and gather information for themselves, but I will give you alittle jumpstart to wet your appetite.
Milk Thistle is a member of the the sunflower family, the seeds hold the magic key. An active ingredient within the seeds is called silymarin, which is where the theraputic benifits derive from. One of the main benifits is it's antioxidant abilitiy, which is more potent than most vitamins.(Antioxidants remove free radicals....Free radicals cause cell damage which is the root of diease and premature Aging......)
But perhaps the most important benifit of Milk Thistle is the effects on the liver....and I don't know too many people that couldn't use some major benifits for their liver.
Milk Thistle detoxifies, and protects the liver from toxins and alcohol.
It promotes regeneration and repair of liver cells, and reverses liver damage.
Literally hundreds of research studies, mostly in Europe have confirmed the remarkable abitlity of Milk Thistle to protect the liver against virtually all types of damage, toxic side affects of medication, hepatitis, and our own self infliction and overindulgence of rich food and alcohol. The Europeans have been using the herb for over 2000 years.
You can buy Milk Thistle in liquid or pill form. I buy the liquid from The Vitamin Shoppe, but it can be purchased on line or at Whole Foods.
What a great way to start the New Year by being loving and kind to your body and organs. Then reap the benifits of a healthy productive liver which in turn produces beautiful vibrant skin and complexion.
Google it, read about it, talk to a friend, then go out and do it!
Until next time,
Milk Thistle is a member of the the sunflower family, the seeds hold the magic key. An active ingredient within the seeds is called silymarin, which is where the theraputic benifits derive from. One of the main benifits is it's antioxidant abilitiy, which is more potent than most vitamins.(Antioxidants remove free radicals....Free radicals cause cell damage which is the root of diease and premature Aging......)
But perhaps the most important benifit of Milk Thistle is the effects on the liver....and I don't know too many people that couldn't use some major benifits for their liver.
Milk Thistle detoxifies, and protects the liver from toxins and alcohol.
It promotes regeneration and repair of liver cells, and reverses liver damage.
Literally hundreds of research studies, mostly in Europe have confirmed the remarkable abitlity of Milk Thistle to protect the liver against virtually all types of damage, toxic side affects of medication, hepatitis, and our own self infliction and overindulgence of rich food and alcohol. The Europeans have been using the herb for over 2000 years.
You can buy Milk Thistle in liquid or pill form. I buy the liquid from The Vitamin Shoppe, but it can be purchased on line or at Whole Foods.
What a great way to start the New Year by being loving and kind to your body and organs. Then reap the benifits of a healthy productive liver which in turn produces beautiful vibrant skin and complexion.
Google it, read about it, talk to a friend, then go out and do it!
Until next time,