Thoughts for the week!
I ran across a book in by bookcase this week that I bought years ago . The name of the book is "The Secrect of The Ages" by Robert Collier. I picked it up and started reading it this week and ran across a section that I thought would be something that we all could relate to, so here goes, read and enjoy.
" Every condition, every experience of life is the result of our mental attitude. We can do only what we think we can do. We can be only what we think we can be. We can have only what we think we can have. What we do, what we are, what we have, all depend upon what we THINK.....
We can never express anything that we do not first have in mind. The secret of all power, all success, all riches, is in first thinking powerful thoughts, successful thoughts, thoughts of wealth, of supply. We must build them in our own mind first.
William James, the famous psychologist, said that the greatest discovery in a hundred years was the discovery of the power of the subconscious mind. It is the greatest discovery of all time. It is the discovery that man has within himself the power to control his surroundings, that he is not at the mercy of chance or luck, that he is the arbiter of his own fortunes, that he can carve out his own destiny. He is the master of all the forces round about him. As James Allen puts it: "Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your Ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.""
So what I personally take from this quote is thinking is creating......Everything created began with a thought...
We are a product of our thoughts....good, bad, or indifferent.
If you doubt this, the next time you are down or depressed, or unhappy, stop and check out what has been going through your mind for the 30 minutes or hour prior to feeling that way. Our emotions are directly tied in to our thoughts. The same goes for happy, excited, or joyful feelings...
Look around your life, and if you don't like what is going on, work on changing your thoughts and bringing them in line with what you do want. Also if you do like what is going on, keep the creative juices flowing!
Take time this week and practice being present with yourself and your thoughts....Check out your life and see what YOU have created.....
You will gain a wealth of infromation.....
Until next time,