Real Raw Beauty Giveaway!
This week Real Raw Beauty is having a fabulous giveaway! If you go to facebook and type in Real Raw Beauty, you can enter the giveaway to win a bottle of Radiant A from the Real Raw Beauty skin care line, and a Neutrogena hand held exfoliator.
Radiant A is a organic natural replacement for the pharmaceutical chemical version Retin A.
I have written about Radiant A before. But in case you didn't catch that blog posting, here are some of the highlights.
Retin A contains:
Hydroxypropyl Cellulose-This is a food additive added to dairy based foods, fat based deserts, and ton's of other foods. It's used as a building agent , glazing agent, foaming agent, thickener and stabilizer.
Brucine Sulfate- A poisonous whit crystalline alkaloid derived from seeds of vomica and closely related plants. Used to denature alcohol. Can be fatal if ingested.
Butyland Hydroxytoluene- A chemical used to preserve fats in foods. It is one hydrocarbon away from common butane. It's primary use is to prevent foods from becoming rancid.
These are only 3 of the chemicals that one is putting on their skin if they are using Retin A.
Radiant A is made from organic Rosehip oil, which is a source of topical retinoic acid (vitamin A) in a natural bio-identical form.
Radiant A:
Stimulates new cell growth
Regenerates cells
Allows the skin to breathe without clogging the pores
Helps shrink pore size
Preserves skins elasticity
Fights bacteria that causes acne
Radiant A is a proprietary blend of Organic Virgin oils. It not only contains Rosehip oil to stimulate new cell growth and preserve the the skin's elasticity, but it also has other high end organic oils that help to replace the moisture, hydrate and replenish your skin. These oils help with healing many types of scarring also.
When you combine Radiant A with the other Real Raw Beauty products, it is a perfect recipe for beautiful, silky smooth radiant skin! You will see the results almost immediately!
Because Radiant A promotes new cell growth, the dead skin cells have to be removed through exfoliation.
So go to!/RealRawBeauty and enter the giveaway to win your bottle of Radiant A and the Neutrogena exfoliator!
Until next time,