What is the difference between happy people and unhappy people? Of course, it may be very obvious, happy people are happy while unhappy people are unhappy, right? Well, that is correct, but we want to know what the things that these people do differently are and that is why, I have put together a list of things that HAPPY people do differently than UNHAPPY people.
Diatomaceous Earth
Every now and then I will repost a past blog post for new readers and a reminder to those who follow every week. Actually reposting this reminded me to order some more. I really do love this stuff for my hair, skin and nails. It's also great for detoxing.
Up until 2 months ago I had never even heard of Diatomaceous Earth. To be perfectly honest I couldn't even pronounce it correctly! But I started...
I couldn't remember if I had written about this before, but my friend Nancy put up a picture on fb this morning and she was including it in her protein super food smoothie, so I decided to put up a Youtube about it. This herb is so Good, it is worth repeating!!
I call this herb, the all over feel good herb. Obviously, I'm not the only one either. I went to several sites to buy more and all of them...
Hail Merry!!
If you read my blog on a regular basis you know that I am a vegan/raw food eater!! And I am here to tell you that I have found the most amazing raw/vegan deserts!!! They are created by a company called Hail Merry.
The company was started in Maui and then moved to California where the owner was trained by a raw food cheif Juliano. (A dream of mine, to go to raw cheif school)!! She turned her home...
Wear your years Proudly!
by Susan Dintino
How to wear your years proudly.
I recently sawBetty White at 89 years old, receiving a Screen Actors Guild award, and while I don’t know for sure, she doesn’t look to me as though she’s had any “work” done. Her face appears natural for her age, with lines I’m sure she earned and wears proudly. She looks like a spunky grandmother who has aged well. Old chronologically, yes, but...
I get a newsletter from a Yoga Instructor named Dave Romanelli. He had a great post this morning, called 1:1:1, that I wanted to share.....
Jonathan Safran Foer writes, “I regret that it takes a life to learn how to live.” It seems like we all have to go through so many lessons, trials, and struggles. Does it ever end? Just when you think you have got it figured out, the Universe lays the hammer...
Jonathan Safran Foer writes, “I regret that it takes a life to learn how to live.” It seems like we all have to go through so many lessons, trials, and struggles. Does it ever end? Just when you think you have got it figured out, the Universe lays the hammer...
Coming Attraction
I am so excited to give my readers a litte info on some products that I have created for your face and body.
I am not completely ready to do a full on lauch, but it will be soon. I am still in the process of setting up my website and completing all of the fine details of crossing the T's and dotting the I's.
So for right now I just wanted to give you a hint of what is to come.
This is an all organic...
I am not completely ready to do a full on lauch, but it will be soon. I am still in the process of setting up my website and completing all of the fine details of crossing the T's and dotting the I's.
So for right now I just wanted to give you a hint of what is to come.
This is an all organic...
Raspberry Ketones
I ran across this video today and deceided to share it with everyone. Raspberry Ketones...
who knew that raspberries can help you burn fat and lose weight???
Take a few minutes and watch this video by Dr. Oz, it's pretty amazing. I haven't tried it yet, but I did order some to help with these last 10 lbs that I want to shed!!!
If anyone has taken this, please let me know!!
Until next time,
Goji Berries
Summer-harvested, vine-ripened Goji berries from the Ningxia Province in China!
Millions of people in Asia consume goji berries every day to increase vitality and preserve their youth. They have been a key herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years and serve as a staple food for one of the longest living populations in the world. Goji berries are almost always...
Summer-harvested, vine-ripened Goji berries from the Ningxia Province in China!
Millions of people in Asia consume goji berries every day to increase vitality and preserve their youth. They have been a key herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years and serve as a staple food for one of the longest living populations in the world. Goji berries are almost always...
Chia Seeds
A friend of mine called me the other day and asked me where my post about Chia Seeds was in my archives. I told her I didn't think I had ever written on them even though I take them everyday. So I ran across this video and wanted to share some information about this amazing seed that does so much!
Here are my reasons why I love them so much!!
They have more omega 3's than...
Here are my reasons why I love them so much!!
They have more omega 3's than...