Topics women are interested in talking about
February 06 2020
Jan Laxton
Written By Jan Laxton - February 06 2020
January 23 2020
Jan Laxton
Written By Jan Laxton - January 23 2020
January 09 2020
Jan Laxton
Written By Jan Laxton - January 09 2020
Whether you are looking to ward off wrinkles or get rid of facial hair, women shaving their faces is a real thing. Some women go to their dermatologist or esthetician to get their face dermaplanned, or you can just DIY.
One reason men seem to get fewer wrinkles is the fact that they shave almost daily. The shaving process exfoliates the skin, and encourages new layers of skin growth.
My daughter asked me the other day if I had ever heard about women shaving their faces. I told her I had been using a razor on my face for 10 years. When you think about it, women shave everything but their face or they have it waxed. I have found shaving my face to be a great beauty secret.
And the questions start......
Do you get more hair growth or coarse hair if you shave?
What direction should the razor go in?
Will you have a 5:00 shadow?
When is the best time to shave your face?
In a nutshell here is my personal experience with face shaving. If you are in your 50's or 60's, you have probably experienced facial hair due to your imbalance of hormones. As you age your body will slowly stop producing hormones, (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.) Hormone imbalance results in a lot of things, and facial hair is one of them.
I personally have not had any adverse effects from shaving my face. No shadow, or extra hair growth or coarse hair regrowth.
I use the same razor that I shave my legs with. A Gilette fusion. I have never nicked or cut my face. It takes less than one minute to go over my face with a razor.
I usually shave my face every other day in the shower. I use the Pink Himalayan salt exfoliator, rinse, and then shave. The salt exfoliator leaves a small amount of oil on my face, enough, that a razor just glides over it. I shave my neck too. I put some Dr. Bronners liquid soap on my neck and shave in an upward motion. Or you could use shaving cream instead.
I use the upward motion for my face too. It is a very simple way to get rid of any peach fuzz on the side of your face too. It's not rocket science. If you can shave your legs properly, you can shave your face.
So now you know another one of my beauty secrets! Shaving my face gets rid of unwanted facial hair, exfoliates my skin and leaves it very smooth.
Feel free to DM me with any questions you might have, especially if this a new concept for you.
Until next time, xoxo
January 02 2020
Jan Laxton
Written By Jan Laxton - January 02 2020
October 22 2019
Jan Laxton
Written By Jan Laxton - October 22 2019
Last year I was given a gift that has completely changed the quality of my sleep. Yes, with a gift that was less than $100, I woke up feeling more rested than I had in years. And in true Real Raw Beauty fashion...I am going to share this with you.
So what was this gift?
It is a weighted blanket. And much like the blanket you had as a child, it drains all anxiety or tension from your body.
Weighted blankets take the soothing calming comfort of a regular blanket and combine it with a therapy tool. Unlike a regular blanket, a weighted blanket is filled with hypoallergenic, non toxic polypropylene pellets. The pellets are sewn into the self-contained small pockets that are evenly distributed across the blanket giving the blanket extra weight.
My blanket weighs 15 pounds. The first night I slept with it, I felt like I had an elephant on top of me. I wasn't even sure I could keep it on all night.
But I did, and I was so happy. I actually slept better. And every night after, it got easier and easier. Now I don't want to be without it. You almost develop a friendship with it! LOL!
You grow to love the weight of the blanket against your body. It's a little like a cocoon, without feeling claustrophobic. Research has shown that deep touch pressure, or deep pressure stimulation can create a calm, peaceful feeling that helps reduce insomnia.
The key to weighted blankets is a cold room. The blanket is heavy and warm, so you have to adjust your thermostat accordingly.
So if you would like to improve your sleep, I definitely recommend giving the weighted blanket a chance. I couldn't live without mine!
So in a nutshell, if you struggle with sleep, anxiety, restless legs, or you have trouble shutting your brain off at night, I totally recommend a weighted blanket. You can get them from Amazon. Here is a link. Check them out, you will be very happy you did. I would also recommend buying a duvet cover for them, so you can take it off and wash it.
October 22 2019
Jan Laxton
Written By Jan Laxton - October 22 2019
Don't you just love it when a girlfriend drops shares a really good tip on a practice that is working well for her?
Me too! I love these hushed recommendations among best friends. I recently got a great tip from one of my really good friends, and I wanted to pass it along to you. She said that she kept a kettlebell weight in her bathroom, and used it for bicep curls and tricep curls several times a day.
The fact that it was sitting on her bathroom counter was a daily reminder to do the exercises. Also, she said that in addition to her regular routine, she would drop down on her floor 2-3 times a day and do push-ups and squats to get her energy moving. (Yes, she really does that!)
I have added this into my daily routine because, in addition to looking better, strength training is crucial for women as they age. Here are a few reasons why:
It reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
As we age we begin to lose muscle mass. I am sure any of you above the age of 50 have seen this in yourself. But you can counteract this loss through strength training. In order to rebuild those muscles you will have to do some type of strength training involving your own body weight or dumb bells/ kettle bells.
Studies have shown that lifting weights regularly can increase bone density and reduce your chance of osteoporosis. If you are anything like me, you will want to be on the preventative side of this.
Boosts Confidence
Strength training makes you physically stronger. When you are physically stronger you are more independent and confident. There is something nearly primitive about the confidence and self-reliance you feel when you are physically stronger.
Speeds up your metabolism.
Strength training causes your muscles to grow and speeds up your metabolism. A faster metabolism makes you feel better and it will cause your body to burn more calories during the day.
Ladies, I can't stress this enough. For your health and wellness, find a way to incorporate strength training into your daily routine.
I put a 15 lb kettlebell on my bathroom counter and use it for bicep curls and tricep curls 2 to 3 times a day in addition to any other workout. You can buy two 10 or 15 lb weights instead of a kettlebell.
I also do push-ups at least twice a day,10 per set. If you can't do a full push-up, then do it with your knees bent. But just get it in. Push-ups are great for strong arm and chest muscles..
This little nugget of information from my friend has changed me so much that I had to pass it on.
August 19 2019
Jan Laxton
Written By Jan Laxton - August 19 2019
I often get asked just what I do every day, and I am happy to share with you my daily "tried-and-true" tips to promote beauty at any age, as I have been using them for years, if not decades!
(I am not talking about self improvement here--there is a big difference.)
My process is a daily one. I carve out time everyday just to be by myself in early in the morning when the house is dark and quiet. With my coffee and blanket in hand, the first 90 minutes of the day is spent reading books, listening to videos that uplift and inspire, and practicing meditation. This is my “ inside work.”
This is where I start everyday.
As you get older, your hormone production comes to a screeching halt. I often recommend that any woman over the age of 50 should have her hormones checked regularly.
If your hormone levels are off, my friend, YOU will be off. Specifically, have your thyroid checked. This can impact your weight, depression, hair loss and dry skin. If you aren’t getting your levels checked, you may just think this is normal.
What you eat shows up in your skin! The more fresh, wholesome food you eat, the better you will look and feel. If you are willing to do just one thing--I would recommend adding in more greens like spinach, kale, arugula, chlorella or spirulina to your diet and remove processed food.
If I am traveling or I can't get fresh greens, I will use Organic powdered greens. Many days, energy levels dip between two and three o'clock in the afternoon. So what has worked for me is to take some spirulina or chlorella tablets, or make a small smoothie with some protein powder and live greens. Or it can be as simple as eating greens in a salad. The more greens you have in your diet, you will see a spike in energy, as well as clear skin.
The average woman puts 515 synthetic chemicals on her body every day. In fact, some of these chemicals are considered to be endocrine disruptors, and they can cause serious illness and disease.
Real Raw Beauty products are clean, as the ingredients are Organic and unrefined and the products do not contain chemicals or toxins.
But even if you choose something else--you are worth it. You don’t have to do a major overhaul, but I would encourage you to try a clean product so that you can see that you can get similar, or better, results than the ones filled with toxic chemicals.
Manicures? Yes. Pedicures? Uh huh! Facials? Give me all of them!
Treating yourself to these relaxing rituals can be a time truly for you. Whether you do it regularly, or as a once-in-a-while treat, a little break to treat yourself can be extremely relaxing. I have been a fan of pedicures and manicures for years, and just recently have fallen head-over-heels in love with facials. Find the things that feel like a treat to you!
If you are not getting enough sleep, your skin has increased inflammation which shows up as breakouts and puffiness. That will lead to a break down in collagen and hyaluronic acid, the molecules that give your skin that glow and firmness.
When you sleep the body's hydration rebalances. If you aren’t getting enough sleep the result is poor water balance, puffy eyes and dark circles. Lack of sleep will speed up the aging process. Your skin needs deep sleep to repair the damaged cells, free radicals. Without deep sleep this will not occur.
I have noticed that as I have gotten older it has been harder to fall asleep and then go back to sleep if I wake up in the middle of the night. I have found a couple of supplements that have been a great help for both of those issues. Amino acids, L-Tryptophan, and L-Theanine from Pure Encapsulations. Taking them 30 minutes before going to sleep has helped with being able to fall asleep faster. If I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go right back to sleep, I will take another L-Tryptophan, and fall right back asleep.Okay, so you know all my secrets!! Let me know if you have any follow-up questions and need further details.
August 07 2019
Jan Laxton
Written By Jan Laxton - August 07 2019
You work so hard! We want to give you something to add (or start!) your self care routine. Watch to see how to get your gift while supplies last.
Offer ends Friday at midnight.Start here to get your free gift:
August 02 2019
Jan Laxton
Written By Jan Laxton - August 02 2019
So it's just an average Thursday and I have an appointment at Esthetique Skin Spa in Memphis for the "Megan Markle" facial. I mean come on ladies, sign me up, Right?? The MM facial is called a buccal (buckle) massage. The treatment involves a deep tissue massage of your face. Even the inside of your heard me right. Inside the mouth too.
I did a lot of reading about this facial prior to the appointment and watched countless videos, so I knew that the facial included the massaging of the face muscles to lift and reshape your face, but I had no idea that the facial would result in so much emotional release. Medically, we know that we hold stress, tension and anxiety in our jaw area. Clearly, I had enough for everyone!! But I went into the facial with an open mind and no pre conceived idea of the outcome. I just laid there and relaxed while Brandi did her magic. I closed my eyes and away I went.........Not only did I come out with a beautiful lifted sculpted face, but you could say, a therapy session too. I released so many stored emotions during those 90 minutes. Personally, it has not always been easy for me to be totally open and vulnerable with people. It was much easier to keep emotions inside and just make sure everyone else was doing okay. But I am learning to let go of all of that and allow myself the privilege of expressing my true emotions and speaking from my heart. This facial seemed to be the tool to open the flood gates for that. And trust me, there were a lot of tears in the end. Not because there was any pain, but because I was able to surrender to the massage and allow what ever was going to happen, to happen. I am sure each persons experience will be different. But whatever experience you have, you can be assured that you will walk out with a beautiful, lifted illuminated face.
It is recommended to get 3 facials within 7 days, and monthly maintenince to receive the best results. So that is what I did. Each time felt different and deeper. With each facial the appearance of my skin renewed and wrinkles lost their depth and volume.
The buccal facial is done without any machines or instruments. Only Brandi's hands. The benefits are incredible and real.
The facial ends with a peel off mask that lowers the temperature of your skin for tightening. It is even painted over your eyes!!
This is hands down the best facial I have ever received. I couldn't Love Brandi, the owner, anymore than I do. I am convinced that she is the reason I got so much out of this experience. The minute her hands touched me I knew something good was going to happen. She pays attention to every small detail, the music, lighting, temperature, and most important, you. You even get a hand and foot massage while the mask is drying. If you live in Memphis, just do it. You will discover a piece of yourself that you didn't even know existed, and your skin will look the best it has ever looked. This facial truly aligns with my understanding of true beauty. It's from the inside out. In fact I told her the facial should be called, the Inside, Out facial.
until next time,
July 18 2019
Jan Laxton
Written By Jan Laxton - July 18 2019
If you follow Real Raw Beauty on Instagram or on Facebook you have seen the images and videos of my recent Enzyme treatment at Esthetique Spa-The Game of Thrones. I just finished the 2nd infusion of plant based enzymes through applying this particular mask!!
Yes, some of you might say......that is really creepy looking. But the results are anything but creepy. They are phenomenal. During the facial, you get to lay there and let it do it's magic for 45 minutes. During that time I decided that I wanted to keep up the effects of the enzyme treatment at home in-between my monthly visits. And since a lot of Real Raw Beauty customers don't live in Memphis, I wanted to
offer enzymes to you too, through our current Goji-Acai' Berry and Blue Green Algae-Green Tea masks. This way you will get to experience the wonderful effects of these enzymes, while doing your own at home treatment.
They do so many great things for your skin.
The Goji-Acai Berry powder mask now contains Organic Papaya and Pineapple enzymes, and the Blue Green Algae-Green Tea powder mask contains Pomegranate and Dragon Fruit Enzymes. These enzyme masks combined with the Vitamin C serum seriously help to diminish age spots and sun damage. I have seen a significant reduction on my skin because of this.
Enzymes are biological molecules that significantly speed up the chemical reactions that take place within the cells. You will see an immediate difference when you remove the mask. Smoother, brighter firmer skin. The enzymes accelerate the process.
I believe that you will love these masks so much, this week they are 25% Off!
Get your own at home enzyme treatment by ordering one of these masks using the discount code -enzyme.
Until next time,